Be Yourself - Self Confidence MattersThere are several things you can do before a date to help boost your self-confidence. Get plenty of sleep the night before. Being well rested will make you glow, keep you alert and ready to have fun. Wear something that makes you feel good about yourself and comfortable. Avoid outfits that are too tight, have sleeves or straps that constantly slide down or are too dressy.
For overall self-confidence try these simple steps: Think of things that make you happy and feel good such as a pleasant memory, your favorite song, friends or pets. Any time you start to feel nervous or self-conscious start thinking of one of these things and you will instantly feel better Don’t focus on yourself. If you find yourself second-guessing everything you do or say, start focusing on an object or person around you. Make sure your date is enjoying them selves. Find out information about them. When you put your attention on something or someone else you’ll start to relax. Remember even the most confident looking person has moments of self doubt. Even though you may feel nervous or self-conscious, that doesn’t mean you look it. So try to relax and focus on your date and conversation. Chances are they are just as nervous. Don’t listen to that little voice in your head. You know that one that causes you to doubt your every action and tells you that you aren’t good enough. We are our own worst critics. You are doing fine.